Dr. Boyd was born in Jacksonville, Texas, and raised in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. He was saved at the age of twelve and called to preach at the age of twenty-seven.

Athletics came naturally to him and he rose through the ranks of high school and college to national prominence as an All-American Tackle on the Texas A & M National Championship Team of 1939 and the 1940 Sugar Bowl. Today his name is inscribed in the Texas A & M Hall of Fame. Dr. Boyd graduated from Texas A & M in 1940 with a Bachelor of Science Degree.

In 1947 Dr. Boyd graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, with a Master of Theology Degree. In 1976 he received a Doctorate of Divinity from Hyles-Anderson College, Crown Point, Indiana.

At the time of his call to preach, Dr. Boyd was Assistant Chief Accountant at Todd Galveston Shipyard, Galveston, Texas. After graduation from Southwestern Seminary, he entered the evangelistic field and has conducted local, city-wide and area-wide evangelistic campaigns, throughout the United States and several foreign countries for over half a century. Dr. Boyd has pastored three churches, served as president of a preachers' training school and operated a Christian grade school and high school.

In 1976 Dr. Boyd founded Mt. Salem Revival Grounds in West Union, West Virginia, a unique Christian camp where there is a prevailing revival spirit.

If you would like to give a gift in memory of Dr. Boyd, you may do so by sending your gift to:

Joe Boyd Foundation
P.O. Box 177
West Union, WV 26456


For information concerning the Joe Boyd Foundation, you may contact the offices of Dr. Randy Taylor at 304.873.2315 or at mtsalem@citynet.net
